Jinifit - Jini Cicero

Out and About

Montage Laguna Beach, again

Montage Laguna Beach, again

As you read this, I’ll have no plans. I guess I can’t have something exciting to do every weekend. That would be spoiled of me! Last weekend’s annual trip to The Montage Resort and Spa in Laguna Beach was so magnificent (see right), that I should (and I actually am), content to do nothing special this weekend (aside from a tough Saturday morning workout and afternoon playing with Big Lou.) Before you get any ideas, Big Lou is our dog, the greatest dog ever!

The weather offers no indication of summer being over and technically, I have 11 days left before I pack up the shorts and tank tops and pull out the sweat pants and sweat shirts. I hope all this talk of the El Nino weather pattern in the news results in some serious rainfall. They are predicting a very wet fall and winter for those of us in L.A. which believe me, that will be fine with everyone.

In my classes, we use rainy days as de-loading days, allowing client’s bodies some extra recovery, stress -release, and some welcome stretching. Unfortunately for my girls, we haven’t had a stretching day in 4 years…I’m getting a lot of complaints. Kidding! While this is the plan, the drought has thrown a wrench into those plans so I do throw a de-loading day in here and there.

What is your serenity plan? What?! You don’t have a plan!? Failing to plan is planning to fail (though I’m sure I just lost you to Charlie Brown’s teacher with that tired cliche.) Nevertheless, that tired cliché is the segue to this week’s blog post. Don’t miss it!